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Two teams collaborate on every theatrical performance to create a faultless and significant experience for the intended audience. The first is the onstage cast, whose job it is to tell the audience what the play is trying to say. In order to support what is happening onstage, the second group works backstage. The onstage message is better expressed thanks to the combination of all the required lighting, sound, set design, and other elements. Those on stage couldn't successfully complete their task without backstage assistance.

In a similar vein, our pastor and first lady rely on the dedicated members of Zion's Staff to support the ministry via voluntary work. The Zion's Staff puts up a lot of effort in the background to assist in sharing the gospel with as many people as possible. All Professional Ministry Technicians collaborate to produce a whole worship experience that is exceptional, motivating, and transformative, regardless of how big or small the assignment.

The Zion’s Staff… saved to serve and support the vision of The House of Zion.


Vision of the Volunteer MinistryTo provide first class volunteer service that is lead by the Holy Spirit that is adaptable enough to serve everyone who enters The House of Zion, Conferences, and Associations, regardless of social status or race.

Mission of the Volunteer Ministry

Establishing a connection between the call to serve and the way God is shaping believers to perform amazing feats in an unbounded environment.

The Volunteer Department Office Hours:
Monday to Friday – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone – 719-648-8132

Getting Started

Every volunteer at Zion's Staff is seen as a living, breathing representation of The House of Zion, its affiliates, and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a result, before beginning voluntary ministry service, each person must fulfill certain prerequisites.

To become a Zion’s Staff volunteer, you must:
– Be a member of The House of Zion
– Submit to a background check, if required

Volunteer Information
In partnership with The House of Zion, volunteer orientation is held every third Saturday of the month. This orientation provides a forum to answer any inquiries about Zion’s Staff and volunteer opportunities ministry-wide.

Topics covered during these sessions include:
– What ministries are offered at The House of Zion?
– What is the Zion’s Staff?
– How do I become active?
– Which ministries have the greatest need?
– How do I volunteer for conferences?
– How does the background check process work?
– Who sees my personal information?
– What is a Saved to Serve form?
– Zion’s Staff ID Badge
– Volunteer Handbook
– Ministry Transfers, Referrals
– Gift Assessment, if needed

In order to become a volunteer at The House of Zion the new member must:

  • Complete a Saved-to-Serve Form and/or gift assessment.
  • The Volunteer Coordinator will process the forms. If necessary, the form will be forwarded to Security for a back-ground check.
  • Once processed, referrals will be sent to the Ministry Leader to contact volunteers and welcome them to their ministries
  • Once the volunteer attends the orientation for the ministry of their choosing, The Ministry Leader will forward the volunteers’ name to the Volunteer Department for a badge request. The badge pictures are taken every third Sunday of the month. Once the volunteer takes the picture, the volunteer is issued a temporary badge to allow them to serve until their permanent badge is complete.
  • The Volunteer permanent badge is forwarded to the Ministry Leader for distribution, which takes approximately two weeks to process.

Volunteer Process Form



We understand Zion’s Staff volunteer badges may occasionally become misplaced and/or lost. If this occurs, Zion’s Staff volunteers should take the following actions as soon as possible:

  1. Notify your Ministry Leader regarding the misplaced and/or lost badge.
  2. The Badge replacement fee is $10.00.
  3. The Ministry Leader will notify the Volunteer Department.
  4. A replaced badge will be generated.

List of Ministries

Finding My Place in Ministry

The Bible teaches that God in His great wisdom set up an order or structure in which we function. He appointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers for the equipping of the saints and for the work of the ministry so the body of Christ may be built up and mature. God has a plan to train and equip every believer as a minister and place him or her in a position of service. God does not make mistakes and everything He does is with purpose. He would not give us talents, personality and spiritual gifts along with life experience if He were not going to use us for His glory. Everyone that comes to Christ and is born into the Kingdom of God has a special gift for a special place of service.

God created us with a sense of uniqueness and equipped us with abilities that cause our differences to complement one another. As we operate in our special talent and spiritual gifting, we find fulfillment as we complete those around us.

We are one step closer to accomplishing all that God has placed in our hands. Thank you for being a doer of the Word and not a hearer only. Thanks for accepting the call to be a participant and not a spectator in the Lord’s work. Thank you for endeavoring to be a keeper of the Flame here at The House of Zion!

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